What is bHive?

This section explains what you are looking at in this model

Fake Product

The bHive is a completely fake product used in a model for the ConsentCheq CDK

Layered Privacy Notice

Specifically, this model shows off how a layered privacy notice can help to build digital trust

Personal Data

If bHive were real, it would collect personal data about members of a family as they enter of leave their home

Which Device?

Customers who use the bHive could be on a cell phone, desktop computer, or a tablet

Potentially Sensitive

An Internet-connected device that reports who is alone at home at any partiular time, and tracks trends about data subjects' schedule and routine raises some serious privacy concerns

Privacy Notice

The bHive uses a layered privacy notice to tell data subjects how it treats their personal data


A graphical privacy dialog provides data subjects with an "easily accessible" explanation of the bHive's privacy policy in a manner that is "concise", "intelligible", and "informed" as required by (Article 12) of the GDPR

Full Policy

The full text of the privacy policy drawn up by Hive Technology LLC. for the bHive is another layer that is available to data subject

"Just In Time"

The bHive builds digital trust by giving their customers information about how it treats personal data just as it is being captured

Multiple Platforms

ConsentCheq can deliver an attractive privacy notices to any form factor. To see the bHive sample, simply text bhive to: 717-467-3214


A video shows and tell data subjects how carefully the bHive treats their personal data